Wordle in a Minute - 12th August 2024 - wordle.plus

Wordle in a Minute – 12th August 2024

Cracking The Cryptic
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#Wordle took Mark six goes yesterday – I know, that’s shocking! Let’s see how he does today!


  1. I started with DAISY, not checking it has already been used. Then got stuck with the S & I hardmode possibility. Luckily got the K by guess 4 to eventually solve in 5. Yay.DAISYSPIRESWINGSLICKSKIFF

  2. What's wrong with SKIFF?

    All day after watching this video, all I could think was, "if you think SKIFF is bad you should see what's coming next 🙂"

  3. I got it last try. Never even heard of it. I had an F and just kept going through the possibilities until it said it's correct 😅

  4. 1. I think you should get your vowels tried out on the first 2 words. That gets you a lot.
    2. You can guess plurals just to find possible letters, but I dont think they have ever had the word actually be a plural.

  5. Don't you just love HMH? 6 guesses for me as well.
    Snack -> Skirt -> Skimp -> Skill -> Skied -> Skiff

  6. Wordle by the Numbers – Skiff
    Standard mode failure rate: 8.0%
    Standard mode average guesses: 4.7
    Hard mode failure rate: 4.1%
    Hard mode average guesses: 4.6

    Skiff was the 7th hardest Wordle since July 1 based on standard-mode miss rate.

    Standard / Hard
    08/12/2024 Skiff 8.0% 4.7 / 4.1% 4.6
    08/11/2024 Scone 0.6% 3.4 / <1% 3.5
    08/10/2024 Medic 1.3% 3.8 / <1% 3.6
    08/09/2024 Ounce 2.0% 3.7 / 0.8% 3.7
    08/08/2024 Saucy 8.7% 3.9 / 10.8% 4.1
    08/07/2024 Macaw 5.1% 4.4 / 2.1% 4.3
    08/06/2024 Anvil 2.1% 3.8 / <1% 3.6

    <1% probably means <0.5%. Wordlebot uses <1% for small values, but it also uses values of 0.5% to 0.9%.

    Me: tale(s) > SpIny > ShIr(k) > SKIFF
    Hard-mode streak: 4

    Data is from Wordlebot.

  7. Why didn't M like skiff? It's a perfectly respectable word.
    I got it in five because of carelessly using the wrong N twice:

  8. Almost sunk in a boating accident!

  9. Might – Flick – Knife – Skiff. After the second word I thought the k must be silent because It can't be second. I was apparently wrong 😂

  10. The Shrinking Wordle-verse

    Words left after Wings – 307
    After Shirt – 41
    After Skimp – 6 (Skiff, Skill, Skied, Skive, Skivy, Skiey)
    After Skill – 5
    After Skied – 2 (Skiff, Skivy)
    After Skiff – 0

    Data is from Scoredle, which I'm using as a backup for Wordlebot when I can't get it to read my screenshot. Scoredle includes illegal solutions, so it's a tradeoff between better data and a better user interface.

  11. Unlike Mark, I hadn't heard of the word (I'd heard it, but couldn't place it as a "proper" word or some sort of slang). My guesses were eerily similar: PATIO-DRINK-SKILL-SKIES-CHUFF-SKIFF.

  12. I always start with quiet and then roads, because those two words contain all of the vowels.

  13. Yeah those small pesky little boats i can understand why you hate those.

  14. I was more disappointed in the fact that they use this word on the first day after the Olympics. 😁

  15. Screaming at the screen!!!! 😲 SAY IT….. PLAY IT!

    Shoulda been a 3 Mark. 🙄

  16. Mark’s opening word sequence in full:


    Theme: The 5-letter words from Patrick Kavanagh’s poem “On Raglan Road”, in order

    That’s the end of the sequence!

  17. I was lucky with my guesses and the olympics in which a dutch female won the skiff race: weird-point-flick-skiff


    I specifically did not want to put that S at the start till I had eliminated some others.

  19. I also was thinking of skiff on 3rd, but decided to go for more letters. On 4th I went for skiff and was angry at myself for missing a 3 😄

  20. That one took me 4, so I'm glad you got it, but not in Hard mode. CRATE, SOUND, BLIMP, SKIFF.

  21. WINGS-STICK-SKILL-SKIER-SKIMP-SKIFF. Next up is TBD since it begins a new series. I’ll go with ADIEU just for the fun of it.

  22. Stare > Sling > Spiky > Skiff

    I didn't know that Skiff existed.
    And there my 4s go. Off to the races!

  23. we REACT to a DOUGH in the oven, which in itself is SILLY while being on a SKIFF.

  24. I also got caught in the SKI trap — and got it in six. Tricky one!

  25. I remember skied (5th guess) being the answer few days back

  26. 5 spot on my end. Glad to see the theme end as a lot of 4 and 5 guesses needed

  27. I didn't know this word, but I managed to get it in 4 guesses:

    Prone – Salty – Scuff – Skiff

  28. The SKIFF and WINGS SKIED past the man in the SHIRT as the SKILL did not SKIMP.

  29. I really hated this one. Took me 6. I really didn't remember it was a word despite hearing it before.

  30. Alas, I was not so lucky. Skiff never entered my mind, even with using almost all letters. Unfortunately, as a consequence, lost my forty-some streak.

  31. Mark, at guess 3: "SKIFF would work." And guess 4. And guess 5. You know, Mark, when the angel on your shoulder tells you the answer, trust it! 😸

    I got this in 5 myself, with some overlap with M's solve: shirt, slice, swing, skimp, skiff.

  32. You’re killing me, Mark, saying the answer and choosing another (very plausible) word instead!! Whew!

  33. I only know the word skiff from playing Dishonored lol

  34. My wife and I are renovating a 1929 bungalow, and she's Scottish, which I don't know is relevant, but, if we're sawing wood or cutting a bit of plasterboard and it needs to be cut a tiny bit shorter, she will always say "This needs a skiff off on that side."

    The trouble is, I looked that up and while there's a vague mention of such a use on a couple of websites, I couldn't find it listed as a valid definition in any of the 'official' places, so I'm wondering exactly where she gets that from. Anyway, it helped me to a three (easy mode) with TORCH, KNIFE and SKIFF.


    Really had to reach for this one. Only a single letter until guess four, when I finally found a vowel.

  36. Out of character, I luckily went with with Frock 2nd after Angel which made Skiff an easy 3rd

  37. Never heard of of the word skiff and because of that I lost this one

  38. I was amused by this solve because I also thought of SKIFF right away and then did my best to avoid guessing it.

  39. I randomly thought of skiff for my 2nd guess but figured it was too early to start guessing double letters. Store>Splay>Shuck>Skiff

  40. Oh, the sad music! I have to say, Mark, the possibilities that jumped immediately into your mind made my jaw drop. I stared at SPIKE for several minutes trying to think of what the heck could start with SKI other than SKIFF. So, I won by default. Even a broken clock, you know… 😛
    Well done to you!! Remember to trust your first instinct!!!

  41. I had a bit of a similar issue as Mark, but I had the last 3 green instead of the first 3. …and my tries were surely worse 😀

    🟨🟨⬜⬜⬜ FIGHT
    ⬜⬜🟩🟩🟩 CLIFF
    🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 SPIFF
    🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 SNIFF
    🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 SKIFF

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