What's the Hardest Answer in Wordle? - wordle.plus

What’s the Hardest Answer in Wordle?

Views: 66377
Like: 2142
If you’re an avid Wordle player, you know that some words tend to make harder puzzles than others. But which one makes the hardest puzzle of them all? That’s what I wanted to find out.

Full Lists:
Starting sets used:

Wordle Solver:
3Blue1Brown’s video:
Twitter’s Wordle Analysis:

Wordle Speedrun Discord:

BGM (In order of appearance):
Termite Capitol by Tristan Alric:
Work That Honey by Tristan Alric:
Outskirts by Tristan Alric:
Lands Untamed by Tristan Alric:
Reckless For Glory! by Tristan Alric:
Mothiva’s Grand Stand! by Tristan Alric:

Hey, what are you doing all the way down here? Go watch the video, silly!