The Best Wordle Strategy + Free Tool -

The Best Wordle Strategy + Free Tool

Mahmood Hikmet
Views: 1326
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Have you ever wondered what the best strategy is for the starting word in Wordle? I’ve built an algorithm which can help you hone your strategy for Wordle to get the best chance at solving the daily Wordle.

Wordle is a word-guessing game by James Wardle – creator of Reddit’s Place and The Button experiments.

Unwordle (tool that I built):
Wordle (the actual game):


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#wordle #algorithm #dailywordleclub


  1. most excellent content Mahmood Hikmet. I broke that thumbs up on your video. Maintain up the solid work.

  2. For my basic tool, I used Salet and Crony. After inputting the results and filtering through the answers, I just ranked the words based on how common they were to the others. I got a 95% success rate, and I get most words in about 4 guesses, but there are a couple wordles where the bot gets really close to solving, but does not quite do so.

  3. Can someone explain why 'oater', 'orate' and 'roate' are not the most ideal words to eliminate the most possible letters in the first guess? I simply wrote a script 6 lines long, which prints letters and values based on the total number of occurrences of letters from the Wordle's daily answer list (2309 words) and I got the following result:// Top 5 most used letters from the answer list only{ e: 1053, a: 906, r: 835, o: 672, t: 667,}The acceptable words based on the top 5 most used letters are 'oater', 'orate' and 'roate', which should technically eliminate the most possible letters (Yellow or Green) in the first guess?

  4. I seemed to hit a dead end – no suggestions after locus (first second and last letters green)

  5. dude, i try playing with your unwordle but it couldn't help me to find "adieu" word. i tried to type sauce and made the a, u, and e yellow. it didn't give me any suggestions

  6. I tried a very similar approach based on distribution. Similar enough that I have the same starting list every time – but it always takes me 4-5 tries to get the right one which is more than required by the unwordle tool.My mistake appears to be not recalculating the values for every additional try and not properly taking all the ruled-out variables into consideration. Thanks for the great example!

  7. I didn't do an algorithm, instead I did the best TWO starting words based on frequency of letters, (EAROT LSINC) From that I use SONIC ALERT as my first two moves. (Other anagrams are available and may have advantage re: letter placement, I just find this one easy to remember.) Mostly I get it in 4 moves.

  8. I got 4 out of 5 right my first time playing in the right spot on the first guess, but the chances of doing that are pretty slim so guessing it it very rare. That being said, I always start off with PIANO 3vowels out of the way. The majority of 5 letter words containing P in them tend to start with P. Eh, guess that's about all the logic behind it lol. I've managed to get it in 3 or better every time.

  9. I tried developing my own Unwordle and got stuck and j just saw you made one so cool

  10. My family keeps posting wordle graphs in the family text group and I'm getting FOMO. I should use this video to help

  11. I've been playing for 2 weeks and have only 1 miss, my strategy is to use QUERY as the first word, just because the QWERTY keyboards are arranged with the most used letters first in order so I try to go with words that use the letters as they appear in the keyboardusually after QUERY i go for a word with "w" and "a"

  12. I did a similar thing, but I think I got a better starting word than SLATE. I also analyzed the frequency of letter distribution to score and rank each word, except I did this after eliminating words that weren't five characters long. To my surprise, five-letter words have a different letter-distribution fingerprint than the fingerprint of all words in the English language (regardless of length). My analysis suggests the best starting word is actually OREAS. After the first word has been analyzed, you can repeat the letter frequency analysis on the words that remain to make an optimized guess. I also think there is an opportunity to use the second (or other) rounds to just search for letters that are unknown. Although I haven't coded the full solution yet, I suspect there is logic that can calculate the value of clarifying letters vs finding the exact position. In other words, you can optimize your guesses to search for letters or search for letter placement (or some combination) based on the set of remaining options. And don't forget: you can use the letters that aren't either in the word or in the right place to eliminate a large chunk of your remaining words. PS I liked your video.

  13. SLATE was the first word I used to start so I guess I was on to something haha. Thinking on it more though I switched to SNAIL -> TROPE. I felt like, even though the chances of guessing correctly in two guesses were more lower, the combination of letters eliminated made the chances of guessing in 3-4 attempts extremely high. Probably pretty similar to SLATE -> CRONY, but still neat.
    I tested this with your tool and it seemed to work great… unless the word is SALES 😅

    Great tool!

  14. Oh hey dude, it's been a while since you've up loaded

  15. what words did it not get? i'm the kind of guy who wants to build a version that can get 100% of words within 6 guesses. 😀

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