Pokemon Wordle To Build A Team, Then We Battle! - wordle.plus

Pokemon Wordle To Build A Team, Then We Battle!

Views: 139744
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We use a Wordle like system to build a Pokemon team in Pokemon Sword and Shield, and then we battle! Someone may have found Arceus!

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The full Pokemon Challenges, and then we fight playlist!

Ft. @United Plays / @UnitedGamer
Edited by Angel:


Mod credits:

12 Pokemon Fused To Build a Team, Then We Battle! Ft @GameboyLuke

15 Random Pokemon Eggs To Build a Team, Then We Battle! Ft @United Plays / @UnitedGamer

Pokemon Platinum Warp Race Ft @SmallAnt

A Pokemon Youtuber thought I’d lose a random map race.. Ft @Patterrz

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