Keep your eyes on the PRIZE with today’s #wordle Scott Stro-solves Views: 393002 Like: 25507 #shorts Solving Wordle #229 for Thurssday, February 3rd. Check out my channel for more puzzle solving! 04.04.2023
Use knobs
Day 19 of asking you to start with earth
Hey btw world e doesn’t use plural words
Start with Grant it’s my name
"Not sur-PRIZE-ingly there's no z."
AUDIO is the best starter!!
You should always start with audio that's my go to
i just guessed ‘ratio’ and it was the right word first guess
Btw for anyone who plays Wordle, the word will never be plural
Use moist
Death or I die
Start with “wryly”
You don't know how much I want you to fail (not in a mean way)
I usually start with Train
I always start with "tesla"
If only wordle was a 5 letter word then you would have done it, try world.
Sweat is a good staring word
Have u done queue?
Do Adieu then Flosh then either Track or Trick
Do elude, nasty.
Next time you should start out with champ
Can you pls start out with “ chair “
nasty, vowel
Crane or plate
Share, sharp, shark, shard
Do the one you finished with one the last day
I always start with adieu
2nd word should’ve been roads
Use adieu
Start with audio
Jesus saves repent
What if you rolled 5 random words and had to guess on the last word?
Start with ‘audio’
Audio cuz it contains many vowels
You won’t… use gypsy
I usually start with 'STEAK' or 'TREAD'. Maybe u can try that out.
start with start
Roast would be
i always start with the word adieu
You should try short and adieu
Can u try “poops”
Wordle doesn't use plurals
Victoria Best approves your title
Shart tho